How It Works
Initially Mine provides a hassle free consignment service for busy families looking to make money on keepsake quality items their children have outgrown. We happily accept any type of clothing, blanket or accessory for items sized newborn to 14.
Mail your items to:
Initially Mine, LLC
6711 Stella Link Rd. #356
Houston, TX 77005
Initially Mine handles all the details: we set the price, photograph your items, add them to our website, and ship to the buyer. Each item is carefully inspected for stains, tears, or missing pieces prior to listing on the marketplace. Any items deemed unfit to be sold will be donated to a local charity or returned at your own cost.
What Happens When I Submit The Form Below?
Once you submit the form below, our team will create a seller profile for you and follow up with an email confirming your account. When items are received, our team of experts will price each item, return a receipt to you for each item with a sales price and the estimated commission. Our team will handle photography, descriptions, pricing and posting of the item.
Once sold, your item will be packaged and shipped to the new owner and a 14 day return period will begin. Once the 14 day window is met, you will receive confirmation of the sale and a commission will be generated for you. Payments are mailed at the end of each month.